Are You An Imposter In Your Own Life?

Have you ever been hard at work on your chosen path in life, or maybe training for a career in athletics or the arts, maybe just got a promotion at your job and you are moving along doing well, learning, accomplishing and enjoying what you are doing and then all of a sudden you find…


Well, hello everybody and Happy New Year! I am clearly a little late on my wishes for the new year. I woke up this morning and… well, I guess that is enough to be grateful for right there, that I woke up this morning! In any case, I woke up feeling a lift from the…

Relax In the Middle of Crisis

Does your brain go into the deer in headlights mode when under pressure or stuck in a crisis moment? Here is a simple but profound way you can overcome the brain freeze and function optimally in the middle of stress. It’s when you are in the middle of something stressful or a pressure situation or…

The Artist’s Way of Being

“If anything, the use of the self and one’s emotions through the arts is one of the healthiest mental activities one can engage in whether you are a professional in your field or enjoying your creative art activity as a hobby or a therapy like dance or music therapy, for example.”

Anti-Aging is Healthcare

If simply relieving stress was the only benefit of meditation and visualization, then this would be worth its weight in gold! Stress is, after all, well known as one of the primary contributors to so many diseases in that it can break down the immune system if it becomes out of control, prolonged or if it arises from untreated trauma.

The Art of Making Life Work

So, if you visualize something in your life improving and transforming for a few minutes and then go about the rest of your day doubting and limiting and calling out to the wind in frustration, “Omg, this will never work!” Then guess what…. It won’t! And you become discouraged! There is a way to fix that!

Finding a New Dream

Do you have things in your past life and profession you need to forgive yourself for? Welcome to the club! Get about the forgiving, reflect, and move forward. But again, never completely forget the road you have traveled! Your mistakes and missteps and faults are part of the journey onward.


“So you have become convinced that meditation will change your life in some way and you would like to try it, but how do you actually do it? Here is how….”

What Is Freedom

Imagine trying to define freedom to someone who has never had it. They have no frame of reference. What would you say? One would most likely speak in negatives, like what it would NOT be. Imagine trying to explain the value of freedom to someone who had never lived WITHOUT it! It’s a whole different…