Moving Forward and Taking Control

In all my years of school as a young girl I never got suspended for anything. Then along comes the age of social media and algorithms! Of course, I never really did anything to get myself suspended as a kid. I liked school, most of my teachers and my handful of close friends. I loved…

Are You An Imposter In Your Own Life?

Have you ever been hard at work on your chosen path in life, or maybe training for a career in athletics or the arts, maybe just got a promotion at your job and you are moving along doing well, learning, accomplishing and enjoying what you are doing and then all of a sudden you find…

The Magic of Dance

The day had been filled with stress, a wildfire heading toward the house, family chaos and arguments over nothing as usual and now this…. I was 16, walked into the theater and immediately stepped right on a big nail and bloodied the crap out of my foot. It was the night of my first big…

Wanting More

“What’s next? Who am I now? What would I like to do with all this knowledge and experience in the time I have left? I want MORE! But what exactly is ‘MORE” for me?”

The Art of Making Life Work

So, if you visualize something in your life improving and transforming for a few minutes and then go about the rest of your day doubting and limiting and calling out to the wind in frustration, “Omg, this will never work!” Then guess what…. It won’t! And you become discouraged! There is a way to fix that!

Building Courage

“Courage is more than a few pumped fists, some tough talk, or a lack of fear. Courage is a lifestyle….” Courage can be developed. Read this blog post to learn more!


“So you have become convinced that meditation will change your life in some way and you would like to try it, but how do you actually do it? Here is how….”

What Is Freedom

Imagine trying to define freedom to someone who has never had it. They have no frame of reference. What would you say? One would most likely speak in negatives, like what it would NOT be. Imagine trying to explain the value of freedom to someone who had never lived WITHOUT it! It’s a whole different…