Are You An Imposter In Your Own Life?

Have you ever been hard at work on your chosen path in life, or maybe training for a career in athletics or the arts, maybe just got a promotion at your job and you are moving along doing well, learning, accomplishing and enjoying what you are doing and then all of a sudden you find…

Your Life Is As You Dream It

There are dreams and there are dreams. Some come nightly as your right brain expresses the experiences, thoughts, etc. in your heart and mind. And some come from your heart in your waking hours as your personal desires. But how many of your nightly dreams do you remember? And how many of you are living…

Becoming Authentically You

It’s funny how there are always some people who cannot look in the mirror and look themselves in the eyes, but they have no problem telling you all about yourself! Have you ever had someone like that in your life? They have all your answers to fix your life but can’t quite seem to fix…

Building Courage

“Courage is more than a few pumped fists, some tough talk, or a lack of fear. Courage is a lifestyle….” Courage can be developed. Read this blog post to learn more!