Imagine trying to define freedom to someone who has never had it. They have no frame of reference. What would you say? One would most likely speak in negatives, like what it would NOT be. Imagine trying to explain the value of freedom to someone who had never lived WITHOUT it! It’s a whole different…
Pain Is Not Gain
Who can relate with this? How many of you get mid-way through a walk or try some cardio at home and end up in this position rather than invigorated, energetic and limber after exercise? I went through an entire professional dance career feeling like this photo! I know a little something about this kind of…
Cat Therapy
This photo was trying to be a selfie but Annie had her own agenda that day. Come to think of it, Annie has her own agenda most days! Lucky for me she is a really loving cat, stubborn and mischievous, but a good girl. Cats have always been healers to me. It is more than…
Mediocre or Great?
“Do you want to be mediocre or great?” she said. I was 14 years old and standing at the barre in the middle of ballet class. Everything came easy to me. Dancing was natural movement for me and my young body did not have to work hard to manage to do basic things like stretch…
I was thinking as I walked Big Boy this morning that I shouldn’t be admitting to being an ex-dancer and former fitness trainer while announcing to the world that I would rather sit on the couch and eat potato chips than get up and exercise. But a lot of the time that is true! I…
Let’s Get Moving!
This is me in my PJs and desert dirty Crocs saying to you all…. This is about our health not a beauty contest. Start where you are and let’s get moving together! I went for a walk the other day to join in on the Christmas Tree Lighting Event in my city. I was so…
Fitness and Back Problems
Hello and welcome to my world of wellness and fitness and overcoming limitations in life as I seek unique ways to take the lid off and allow life the freedom to fly unfettered by life’s challenges. Not the least of those might be trying to exercise and get healthier when bogged down by back problems!…
Body Mind and Miracles
Welcome to Body Mind and Miracles! A personal blog about fitness and wellness and various unconventional forms of stress relief, self help, natural paths to wellness and to becoming better at whatever you love! This is my journey through the ups and downs of life after dance, injuries and trauma. There is no light without…