Moving Forward and Taking Control

In all my years of school as a young girl I never got suspended for anything. Then along comes the age of social media and algorithms! Of course, I never really did anything to get myself suspended as a kid. I liked school, most of my teachers and my handful of close friends. I loved learning and had a good high school. I also had a purpose in life as I was training on scholarships to become a professional ballet dancer and performing with a nationally known, albeit civic, dance company. So my life was wrapped around my purpose. I didn’t have the time or energy to be getting into trouble. I was in control of my own destiny.

All that mattered was becoming the best I could possibly be to make it possible to achieve my goals and dance professionally. And I did! That was many moons ago in another time and place. Now, here I am trying to be the best writer I can be while I sit at my computer in a Zoom and Social Media world of online business, digital art, eBooks and algorithms. And it occurs to me I have little, if any, control over the most basic part of starting and growing a business, finding clients and customers, by using the oh-so-necessary social media! Here’s why….

They can cancel, censor, or hide you away for one reason or another at their discretion whether you did anything wrong or not! The bots can pick up on single word or phrase and create assumptions about the use and intention of those words. Or perhaps they see a series of posts on the same topic, albeit different content, that share the same graphics, and decide that you are posting spam against their guidelines. I have decided to save them the trouble and save myself the stress and move over here to share my posts and the ongoing episodes of the first chapter of The Magic Pen!

Bottom line, social media is a private business that can do whatever it wants to do…. like cancel its customers, clients and members anytime and for any reason. My solution is to move over here where I can speak my mind, share my writing and experiences freely. I am taking back the controls of my own life, business and writing!

This is a place where you can read my coaching and life insights from my performing and teaching years, my articles and posts on visualization, meditation, and how it can change your life. And now you can also read the opening segments of my new book, “The Magic Pen”, the story within a story that came to me in a dream. This is the one that Instagram so rudely interrupted with its bots that erroneously decided I was not allowed to post, comment, or even see my own page. And right when Taylor Rae was about to get another message from the elusive sender of rice paper messages! Oh the audacity!

Subscribe or not, as you wish! But subscribing helps you stay informed and may get you discounts in the future as we grow here. I am still learning, growing and building, so jump on for the ride and watch what works and what doesn’t. Feel free to laugh, I will be!

So come, read and bring your friends. I have much free content here for those who want to look back to the older blog posts. I am all about finishing my books, telling stories and helping others reach their potential and live their dreams.

So leave me a comment. What’s good in your life? How are you taking back the controls of your own life? Tell me about your goals and desires!

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