Life Arts Community

Life As a Work of Art

Life lived well is a work of art. But how many of us feel we are a living masterpiece when we are going through the various changes and stages of life?! How much must we tolerate to get to the good stuff? How many times must we reinvent ourselves as we navigate life’s changes and disappointments, as we go through life. Alone or from the perspective of the negative it can be a daunting dark ride. With a village of like-minded souls with an optimistic outlook on life it can be like a trip through Disneyland. It is all in the way you frame it in your mind.

But how much more enjoyable it could be if there was a family of like-minded people to take that journey with! Life is filled with endings and beginnings, ups and downs. Don’t have a biological family for moral support and encouragement? Find one, create one or join a community like ours of like-minded empowering people who support each other.

Join Us

Don’t be alone as you start over and look to redefine yourself and move forward!

Join the group on Facebook, Life-Arts Community! It is a free group and all adults of any age are welcome to join.

For those of you who are starting over after difficult losses, you may have a special mission to rediscover your identity and reinvent your life. To help you succeed, there is Life-Arts Community Advanced. This is a membership group with group coaching and virtual events. Let this community help you navigate the path to finding your inner peace and fulfillment as you build or rebuild the path to your desired future!

My Story

Simply put, I am a dancer who is not dancing anymore, retired and moving on. But a dancer is a dancer for life. I danced professionally with ballet companies in my youth, onstage since the age of 7 and in a dance company at 13. I was classically trained and loved the athleticism and power of ballet. However, artistically I often preferred the less restrictive styles of modern, neo-classic, and jazz dance. I was also an accomplished Flamenco dancer. I love and miss it all to this day!

Since that time in my life, I have spent the years teaching dance, producing and choreographing children’s productions, coaching artists and athletes, studying the mind/body sciences and becoming a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. I now use writing as my current personal creative outlet.

I believe in the human being’s capacity to overcome anything no matter how devastating. My purpose is to create new ways for humanity to transform in the hope that it will lead us to evolve one day beyond a world of war and conflict. For the more immediate future, and a more easily attainable purpose I am here to help you overcome unhappiness and enjoy life. If you resonate with these ideas, and want support in your journey, maybe you are meant to be a part of Life-Arts Community.

Contact me

Contact me through this site and reference, Life Arts Community.

Email me: or simply subscribe to my blog here and you will get notifications when Life-Arts moves forward and creates something new!