The Magic of Dance

The day had been filled with stress, a wildfire heading toward the house, family chaos and arguments over nothing as usual and now this…. I was 16, walked into the theater and immediately stepped right on a big nail and bloodied the crap out of my foot. It was the night of my first big…

Your Life Is As You Dream It

There are dreams and there are dreams. Some come nightly as your right brain expresses the experiences, thoughts, etc. in your heart and mind. And some come from your heart in your waking hours as your personal desires. But how many of your nightly dreams do you remember? And how many of you are living…

Your Creativity

“Creative works of any kind can indeed lift the human spirit and offer hope and solutions to whatever we collectively or individually face in life. But the ability to take life’s pain and grief and darkness and channel those emotions through a funnel of art is a special kind of ability and brings a healing that nothing else I have experienced can match.”

The Art of Making Life Work

So, if you visualize something in your life improving and transforming for a few minutes and then go about the rest of your day doubting and limiting and calling out to the wind in frustration, “Omg, this will never work!” Then guess what…. It won’t! And you become discouraged! There is a way to fix that!

Becoming Authentically You

It’s funny how there are always some people who cannot look in the mirror and look themselves in the eyes, but they have no problem telling you all about yourself! Have you ever had someone like that in your life? They have all your answers to fix your life but can’t quite seem to fix…


“So you have become convinced that meditation will change your life in some way and you would like to try it, but how do you actually do it? Here is how….”

Visualization and Dyslexia

I have always thought that visualizing something before one does it is a given. At least I have always planned out every day, every project, and every dream in my life that way. I have had some advantages to that because I am dyslexic. Being dyslexic has many symptoms that differ between people. It is…