Moving Forward and Taking Control

In all my years of school as a young girl I never got suspended for anything. Then along comes the age of social media and algorithms! Of course, I never really did anything to get myself suspended as a kid. I liked school, most of my teachers and my handful of close friends. I loved…

One Thing That Will Make or Break You!

In everything in life, there is, of course, always more than one step or one quick hack to arrive at a successful result no matter what the subject matter. If success were simple, easy and one faceted more of us would achieve it early on and easily in our lives. But like the nature of…

Are You An Imposter In Your Own Life?

Have you ever been hard at work on your chosen path in life, or maybe training for a career in athletics or the arts, maybe just got a promotion at your job and you are moving along doing well, learning, accomplishing and enjoying what you are doing and then all of a sudden you find…


Well, hello everybody and Happy New Year! I am clearly a little late on my wishes for the new year. I woke up this morning and… well, I guess that is enough to be grateful for right there, that I woke up this morning! In any case, I woke up feeling a lift from the…

The Magic of Dance

The day had been filled with stress, a wildfire heading toward the house, family chaos and arguments over nothing as usual and now this…. I was 16, walked into the theater and immediately stepped right on a big nail and bloodied the crap out of my foot. It was the night of my first big…

Your Life Is As You Dream It

There are dreams and there are dreams. Some come nightly as your right brain expresses the experiences, thoughts, etc. in your heart and mind. And some come from your heart in your waking hours as your personal desires. But how many of your nightly dreams do you remember? And how many of you are living…

The Artist’s Way of Being

“If anything, the use of the self and one’s emotions through the arts is one of the healthiest mental activities one can engage in whether you are a professional in your field or enjoying your creative art activity as a hobby or a therapy like dance or music therapy, for example.”

Your Creativity

“Creative works of any kind can indeed lift the human spirit and offer hope and solutions to whatever we collectively or individually face in life. But the ability to take life’s pain and grief and darkness and channel those emotions through a funnel of art is a special kind of ability and brings a healing that nothing else I have experienced can match.”

Anti-Aging is Healthcare

If simply relieving stress was the only benefit of meditation and visualization, then this would be worth its weight in gold! Stress is, after all, well known as one of the primary contributors to so many diseases in that it can break down the immune system if it becomes out of control, prolonged or if it arises from untreated trauma.

Life and Loss

If you have been around in life long enough to go through a few significant losses you know how much a part of life it is to learn to mourn and cope and honor what was but still find the courage to press onward. From someone who has had many years of what feels like…