Your Life Is As You Dream It

There are dreams and there are dreams. Some come nightly as your right brain expresses the experiences, thoughts, etc. in your heart and mind. And some come from your heart in your waking hours as your personal desires. But how many of your nightly dreams do you remember? And how many of you are living the dreams in your heart and the life you desire?

If you could look through a portal into a life of your wildest dreams, what would it look like? Are you living that life?

I was fortunate that I lived my dream to be a ballerina from early childhood on and I do not take that for granted! However, ballet being a short-lived profession as are most athletic careers, once I retired from dance, my dreams faded, and I found myself feeling less than deserving to have such incredible fortune twice in one lifetime. I lost my center and my courage to dream and believe.

As a child it was no problem to see the tutus on the television and say, “I want to do that!” And then SEE myself doing it every day. I was three! But if we can take it from a three year old to dream, and envision, and focus then we just might find that we become the dream in our hearts.

That three year old did indeed become a professional ballerina who traveled and performed throughout the US and parts of Europe. And the adult me later on decided that if I could do it once in life then I can do it again and I can teach it to others.

Of course, life has its bumps and bruises and there is much that can take an adult off track as I discovered later in life when I had to go through the process of realizing the negative script that I had let others dictate to me until I adopted that horrible dream of who I was and what I deserved in my life based on the jealousies and hatred hurled at me from other people. I had to learn the hard way that I was dreaming the wrong dream. That negative image belonged to someone else because it sure wasn’t coming from my own heart!

I had to get sick, and I had to go through some horrible and extremely abusive relationships to get it that I was living with a picture of myself inside of me that was not who I intended nor wanted to be. Thankfully I got it. I was on the brink of losing my life to a near fatal illness, not once but twice. I faced two relationships that the word “toxic” does not even begin to describe. And I walked away from several incredible opportunities because the image in my mind of myself was so low that I no longer felt that I deserved to be happy.

It took these dark nights of the soul several times over for me to finally grab a hold of myself and question my delusions, replace them with a happier reality and change the picture I was carrying in my mind every day of who I was and what I deserved.

Do you ever find yourself wishing for something that you feel may be just out of reach? Do you ever feel you are not in the right place or maybe you feel you are out of your league even in your own dreams? Do you ever feel that maybe you just are not enough, and you should have gratitude for whatever life has given you?

Gratitude is great but it does not mean for you to accept crumbs! Have gratitude for the incredible human capacity that you do indeed have to become all you are capable of becoming. And that means, dream your dreams, know your worth, and get busy making them come true.

Begin with your internal daily image of yourself.

If this blog post resonates in any way with any of you and you would like to explore this topic more and learn how I overcame the negative self-image and how you can too, I am offering a FREE class to those who subscribe to this blog, which is also free, and I will teach you exactly what I did to get myself back to a realistic positive happy state of dreaming, and working toward making those dreams reality. It is focus, commitment and various meditative tools. It also helps to have a community to grow with.

Click on the subscribe page and comment or send me a message “Dream into Reality class”. I will send you the details.

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