Anti-Aging is Healthcare

Have you ever stood in front of your bathroom mirror and said, “Who the heck is THAT?! And where did that wrinkle come from? And when did the extra gray hairs start showing up?” They are already calling you middle aged in your 40s or maybe talking senior stuff to you at 50! The years suddenly seem to be flying by and you are still 22 somewhere in your mind!

Now, if you are only 20 or 30 something, or nearing 40 and thinking, I’m not there yet, this isn’t for me, don’t be too quick to click out of here! This is absolutely for you! Anti-aging is healthcare and it begins by dealing with stress and managing your emotions, caring for your skin, etc. the moment you leave your parent’s home and begin to face the world as an adult. Imagine how much easier it will be to flow through the difficulties life inevitably brings with good habits and a priority mindset of health and youthful attitude that you have been creating and cultivating for decades. Unfortunately, most of us wait until trouble hits and our health is at stake, or we suddenly look in the mirror and see some fine lines forming. Start BEFORE you see the effects of the years and the stress! It is easier to create your life from scratch and protect your health in general, than to undo damage of years of self-abuse! Don’t wait until you are there. Start NOW caring about yourself and your health!


Maybe you had an athletic career and are feeling and hearing from others that you are old at the age of 35! Truth be told, as athletes we do put our bodies through the ringer and ask more of ourselves than the average person. So yes, there is some degree of physical aging that goes on. The but the good news is there is also a lot of endorphines flowing that has the effect of stress relief and a slowing of the aging process. What’s next and how do you support your body after all you have put it through?

Maybe you are not an athlete, but have been active for decades, swimming, hiking, a little tennis or handball. All great stuff but maybe feeling some aches and pains and thinking it is time to slow down? So, you try something new and relaxing but still active and you sign up for a yoga or a low impact fitness class at the health club or on Zoom, only to find you can’t quite keep up with a lot of those moves because of some nagging chronic pain. You know you need to keep up exercise but damn, getting up out of a chair is sometimes a challenge! What gives here?! And what do you do about it? I was feeling that at the ripe old age of 30, until I got serious about my mental wellness habits.


While there are certainly effects of the accumulating years on our faces and in our bodies, all aging is not necessarily age related. Much of it is about your health! Not just your body health but the health of your brain as well. And a breakdown there may be more about unhealthy habits, unhealthy thoughts and emotions, and toxins in our food and our environment.

First of all, about that mindset, did you know that half-life is really more like 60 or so? Even the Christian’s Bible speaks of a full lifespan being around 120 years old! So why are we thinking we are old at 40?! Why are we buying into the thinking that 40 is old and by 60 we are a bunch of elderly grandmas and grandpas? Common sense should tell us that 60 is only the beginning of senior years, far from “elderly” and that makes 40 still quite young. Life begins at 40 and does not end at 60. So how do we fight this outwardly imposed negative and utterly ridiculous way of thinking?

First of all, it is important to be aware that the health of your gut, your brain and your skin is uniquely and directly connected. AND it is directly connected to how severely and quickly we may age. We tend to view our body and even our lives as separate parts with no relation to the rest because that is what we have been fed in our western society for many years. Acknowledging the fallacy of this and looking at the bigger picture as the greater reality would be a good start!


I am not opposed to western medicine at all. I believe in science. But western medicine has its limited thinking and I believe that if something can be done to fix a problem or prevent a problem in one’s health and wellness by a safe natural practice, therapy, nutrition or remedy then by all means go that road first! And always I believe in supporting both the immune system and one’s mental wellness by natural means while using whatever other medicinal strategies you feel are best for you. But understand that natural medicine has its limits as well. I like the idea of integrating the two ways where possible.

This thinking of mine is what led me first to the practice of self-hypnosis 30 years ago and led me to educate myself further with some good education to receive a Clinical Certification in Hypnotherapy.

If simply relieving stress was the only benefit of meditation and visualization, then this would be worth its weight in gold! Stress is, after all, well known as one of the primary contributors to so many diseases in that it can break down the immune system if it becomes out of control or prolonged, or if it arises from untreated trauma. So, when I am feeling under the weather, stressed, old and achy or full on sick, the first thing I do is get more or better sleep, the second thing I look at is my eating habits and nutritional supplements, or lack thereof. The third thing I work on is meditation and visualization for a few days. If those things don’t handle it, time to call the doctor. If you feel you are seriously ill, contact a physician right away! Some things may not be able to wait a few days. You have to know your body and I believe it is always a good practice to see a trusted doctor. But anyway, I am just sharing my personal list of priorities and efforts in self-care. What are yours?

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