Visualization and Dyslexia

I have always thought that visualizing something before one does it is a given. At least I have always planned out every day, every project, and every dream in my life that way. I have had some advantages to that because I am dyslexic. Being dyslexic has many symptoms that differ between people. It is not a “cookie cutter” disability and in fact I shudder at the idea of calling it a disability at all! Perhaps more of a “difference”. I am, obviously as you can see here, not unable to read or write, as is the case with many who are dyslexic. Actually those are two of my strongest points. But in general dyslexia brings advantages in visualization.

My own dyslexia shows in my directional challenges and my ability to think in pictures to the point that my teachers as a young girl thought that English was my second language because I always seemed to be translating as I spoke. I was indeed translating from images in my mind to words that could communicate to others what I was experiencing. And it shows in my serious lack of any kind of organizing genius. A file clerk I am NOT! lol I am lucky if all my knit tops end up folded in the same drawer or two shoes of a pair in the same closet. If they do, it was likely by accident! Organizational challenges are another of the many symptoms of dyslexia.

However, this ability I have, to think in pictures, is also one of many possible dyslexia symptoms. It has made visualization a natural thing for me. So when I felt I could not succeed at something in my dance life, I simply visualized it over and over until it became second nature in my mind, thereby freeing up my body to work on the form or freeing up my emotions to work on the artistic portrayal of the role. The physical was not a problem because my work ethic and obsessive drive to succeed at every little movement and become better than anyone at it, was well known to those around me who affectionately joked with me and created friendly competitions just for fun in the dance studio during my high school years and later in my early professional life. My point is that visualization was freeing!

What this visual ability, a gift from my dyslexia, taught me to do (in addition to being able to communicate with animals naturally) was overcome the effects of my more debilitating lack of self confidence and self doubt that originated from other events in my life.

What it did NOT do was help me understand that other people did not think in pictures and that visualization might be a challenge for some folks. So I set out in later years, to teach my dance students the benefits of calming the mind with breathing exercises and achieving the alpha brain wave state and then visualizing every new step I taught them in dance class.

Every single child seemed to be able to see the visual images in their mind’s eye and translate that into immediate physical results. Many adults could do it as well. A few, on the other hand, occasionally struggled to focus, or to see the visuals, but sometimes could connect the physical to a sound or a feeling/sensation they recalled. All were able to eventually learn. So I learned that there are many ways to experience life and to learn or train oneself. My desire to develop a system of doing this is what evolved into The HypnoFitness Method.

Why children could do it so easily and naturally and some adults struggled is beyond my education as I am not a scientist. I am someone who found some answers for myself, saw a benefit to others, saw where there was a need and have tried in my own way to fill it.

Visualization is powerful but I believe it can be learned just like anything else because I have seen it. Know your strengths and learning styles as your lead in to it! And get comfortable with meditating!

All that said, we visualize to learn something, master something, to create something or to manifest something. When the goal is to manifest, one must add another dimension to be successful at it.

The truth is…. when it comes to visualizing to reach your dreams and goals, you can say words of affirmation and see mental images all you want but if your underlying thoughts and opinions are in opposition to your heart and your deepest desires, you will be like a woman on a treadmill running, yet never leaving the same spot.

To change that “stuckness” requires a different sort of effort beyond affirmations and goalsetting and vision boards. Do those things. But know that you must go deeper and more courageously within. It’s not about swag and it’s not about hacks of one sort or another. It is real work. But don’t fear it because it can be fun work.

I know this isn’t a feel good, jump up and cheer kind of post. It is a call to a different kind of action. A call to look deeper. That is where you find the good stuff. If you are a true woman warrior, challenges, obstacles, fears and brick walls that appear to loom larger than you are, are nothing but illusions! You are strong. You are capable. You are also human and can struggle with the journey up, or the road back up as is common with warriors.

Please know one thing…. you are not alone. There is help for you to learn more, explore the possibilities and learn the “how-to”. Your tribe awaits you here! Subscribe to learn more about this general subject, be part of the community and get the support you need. Subscription to the Body Mind and Miracles blog and the group on Facebook is free!!

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